About JPA
The Jamaica Physiotherapy Association (JPA) is the body recognized by World Physiotherapy (WPT) representing the interests of Jamaican Physiotherapists. We are committed to: promoting and protecting the profession of Physical Therapy in Jamaica; standardizing clinical techniques and practices so as to maintain quality control; and achieving bargaining status
The mission of the Jamaica Physiotherapy Association is to represent and promote the profession of physiotherapy through advocacy and education in order to further our role in prevention, health promotion, diagnosis, and treatment that will enhance standards of health care in Jamaica.
To be the sole regulatory body for Physiotherapists and the public resource for Physiotherapy in Jamaica, a leader in research and evidence-based practice, facilitating life-long learning for our members, actively involved in National Health Policy development with an engaged membership.
View past achievements in our annual reports
See who is on the national executive and our regulations
Find out how to become a Physiotherapist and the route you can take.
Physiotherapists help you maximize your physical potential. Find out how.
Find out how we started over 50 years ago and how we have grown as a profession.
Meet our board of directors and the committee chairpersons
See the awards given to recognize our members' achievements
Our vision is to help the community see the benefits of Physiotherapy. See how.
Information for foreign Physiotherapists wanting to work in Jamaica.